A Technical frAmework for combining multi-parametric Imaging with advanced modeLling in persOnalized Radiotherapy
The project TAILOR – A technical framework for combining multi-parametric imaging with advanced modelling in personalized radiotherapy, proposed by Prof. Guido Baroni and CartCasLab, and funded by Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca contro il Cancro (AIRC), aims at overcoming the above-mentioned limitations by integrating patient-specific multi-parametric imaging and advanced mathematical models revealing macroscopic, microscopic and radiobiological information, to provide the empowerment of treatment outcome prediction, patients’ stratification and subsequent treatment optimization and personalization in external beam radiotherapy.
Through a key collaboration with clinical institutions, including the National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO, Pavia, Italy) and the European Institute of Oncology (IEO, Milano, Italy), the envisioned mathematical models will exploit optimized multi-parametric imaging to predict treatment outcome at different scales. These models will then serve as decision-making tools in radiation therapy towards an optimized and personalized approach which will lead to improved patient care and reduced treatment costs.
WP1 – Retrospective and Prospective data collection
WP2 – Imaging Biomarkers for Predictive models
WP3 – Image-driven radiobiological Models and Strategies for treatment optimization
WP4 – Microstructural models
WP5 – Deployment of the framework and validation