
— 2023 —

  • more news to come…

— 2022 —

— 2021 —

  • We held a meeting showcasing our possible thesis for Politecnico di Milano Master students. The presentation is available at this link.
  • It is a pleasure to announce that our PhD student, Noemi Garau, has been awarded for the “Progetto Roberto Rocca Visiting Student Fellowship” for the 2021-2022 academic year. The Progetto Roberto Rocca is a collaboration between MIT and the Milan Politecnico (POLIMI), which supports circulation of people, ideas and scientific practices between MIT and Politecnico. Congratulations to Noemi!
  • WE ARE RECRUITING!!! We are looking for a possible research fellow to be involved in the project “A technical framework for combining multi-parametric imaging with advanced modelling in personalized radiotherapy” funded by Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca contro il Cancro (AIRC). The project aims at integrating patient-specific multi-parametric imaging and advanced mathematical models revealing macroscopic, microscopic and radiobiological information, to provide the empowerment of treatment outcome prediction, patients’ stratification and subsequent treatment optimization and personalization in external beam radiotherapy. If you are interested, please contact Prof. Guido Baroni (
  • WE ARE RECRUITING!! The CartCasLab takes part to the RAPTOR (Real-time Adaptive Particle Therapy of Cancer) project. RAPTOR is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union which will start on the 1st March 2021. The recruitment process for 15 PhD students is now open. Please, visit the RAPTOR website for details on the project and on the application procedure. —– CLOSED —–

— 2020 —

  • Congratulations to Giulia Buizza for her PhD! On December 15th, she obtained a PhD cum laude with her work entitled “Multi-parametric imaging for particle therapy: integrating macro & microscale models”.
  • We are glad to announce that our project entitled “A technical framework for combining multi-parametric imaging with advanced modelling in personalized radiotherapy” has been accepted for funding in the framework of the AIRC Investigator Grant 2020, with Prof. Guido Baroni as Principal Investigator. Congratulations to Prof. Guido Baroni and to the CartCasLab for this new project starting in 2021!
  • Congratulations to Chiara Paganelli which has been awarded IOP trusted reviewer from the Institute Of Physics. This acknowlegment demonstrates a high level of peer review competence, with the ability to critique scientific literature to an excellent standard. 
  • It is a great pleasure to announce that Giorgia Meschini, PhD has been selected as one of the two winners of this year’s 22nd Christoph Schmelzer Award for her PhD thesis related to tumor therapy with ion beams. Congratulations to Giorgia!
  • Our lab is invited to take part into the 2020 International Chordoma Research Workshop (ICRW) thanks to our research on chordomas. We are looking forward to learn more about it and connect with the researchers involved!
  • Our publication “Organ motion quantification and margins evaluation in carbon ion therapy of abdominal lesions” by Kalantzopoulos C. et al. has been selected among the issue highlights by Physica Medica journal.
  • Our publication “Patient‐specific validation of deformable image registration in radiation therapy: Overview and caveats” published in Medical Physics, is among the top 10% most downloaded papers between January 2018 and December 2019.
  • The work entitled “MRI-based tumour control probability in skull-base chordomas treated with carbon-ion therapy” by Giulia Buizza et al. published on Radiotherapy and Oncology (IF 5.25) in 2019, has been selected as featured article in the Physics ESTRO Newsletter. This work highlights the importance of using Magnetic Resonance Imaging for treatment personalization in carbon ion therapy.

— 2019 —

  • December, 5th. Cheers to Giorgia for getting her PhD degree in this sunny day! She received the title of European Doctor of Bioengineering with the thesis: ‘Respiratory motion modelling in particle therapy’.
  • CartCasLab at the 4D Workshop in Krakow on the 1st of November 2019: Giorgia and Harrys presented their posters on motion management in particle therapy.
  • Congratulations to Noemi Garau and Gabriele Belotti for starting soon their PhDs on the 1st of Novemebr 2019! Noemi will work on low-dose CT data for lung cancer screening in collaboration with IEO, whereas Gabriele will work on a CBCT system that will be installed at CNAO. Buon lavoro ragazzi!

— 2018 —

— 2017 —

  • Congratulations to Antonella Belfatto, Riccardo Via and Roberto Cassetta for their PhD!
  • Saturday November the 25th, 2017, the CartCas Lab takes part to the event: Robotics@Polimi – Open Labs in the frame of the European Robotics Week.

— 2016 —

  • The collaboration agreement between CARTCASLab and Fondazione CNAO ( has been renewed for the time period 2016-2018. Research activities are focused on the development of methods and systems for motion modeling and management in time resolved proton and carbon-ion radiation therapy.
  • Saturday November the 26th, 2016, the CartCas Lab takes part to the event: Robotics@Polimi –Open Labs in the frame of the European Robotics Week.
  • At Fondazione CNAO (Pavia), the treatment of ocular melanoma with active scanned proton beam have started. This important achievement has been reached also due to the work performed at CARTCASLab mainly by Aurora Fassi and Riccardo Via in developing an innovative system for eye movement tracking, in the frame of the collaboration between Politecnico di Milano and Fondazione CNAO.
  • Chiara Paganelli and Giorgia Meschini, members of CARTCASLab, received the GNB (Gruppo Nazionale di Bioingegneria) prize 2016 for the best Ph.D. thesis and Master Thesis in Biomedical Engineering. Congratulations to them !
  • Permanent position available as Clinical Bioengineer at CNAO Foundation (Pavia, Italy). For information and application, please contact Prof. G. Baroni.
  • Position available as “Onsite Clinical Scientist” in Philips at Yale University in collaboration with Dr. Geschwind. For applications, check

— 2015 —

 — 2014 —

  • Saturday December 13th, 2014, the CartCas Lab takes part to the event: Robotics@Polimi – Open Labs in the frame of the European Robotics Week.
  • April 6th, 2014. Marco Riboldi has been invited by the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) for the joint ESTRO-AAPM symposium “Image guidance (or lack thereof) in proton therapy” to give a keynote lecture titled “4D imaging for motion ” within the 33rd ESTRO Conference, which will be held in Wien from the 4th to the 8th of April. Link.

 — 2013 —

  • December 2013. Rocca seed funding (MIT-Politecnico di Milano 2014-2015) has been assigned to for activities related to dynamic tissue modelling for surgery. Proff. Guido Baroni and Dava Newman (MIT, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics) are the Politecnico di Milano and MIT Principal Investigators.
  • December 17th-18th, 2013. CartCasLab at the INFN Workshop “Status and future perspectives of charged particle therapy”. Guido Baroni talk is titled: «4D Hadrontherapy».
  • November 2013. Chiara Paganelli, PhD student at the CartCasLab, received the Best Poster Award at the 4D Treatment Planning Workshop held on November 28th-29th, at the Paul Scherrer Proton Therapy Center (PSI), Zurich, Switzerland. At the same Conference Guido Baroni proffered an invited lecture titled “Pros and cons of correlation models for tumor tracking”.
  • Saturday November 30th, 2013, the CartCas Lab takes part to the event: Robotics@Polimi – Open Labs in the frame of the European Robotics Week. Check event agenda at
  • September 2013: Guido Baroni appointed member of the Ethical Committee of the prestigious neurological research and clinical institute in Milano Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta – I.R.C.C.S
  • February 2013 – The latest version of ENLIGHT HIGHLIGHTS is now available at the following link:
    CartCasLab specific contribution can be found at pages 26-27of the document
  • Guido Baroni has been appointed member of the Vitrtual Physiological Human (VPH) Institute.

— 2012 —

  • CartCas delegation takes part to the 4D Treatment Planning Workshop, which will tak place on December 12-13 in Erlangen, Germany.
    The workshop groups researchers from Europe, US and Japan to make the point on current research in time-resolved radiation oncology (planning and delivery) and to establish common future research activities.
  • The CartCas Laboratory takes part in the European Robotics Week. On Saturday December 1st, the robotics laboratories of the Politecnico di Milano will be open to press, researchers, students, industries and families. The event program will start at 9,30 at Campus Bovisa and 14,00 at Campus Leonardo.
    Download the flyer.
  • CERN website announces the first carbon-ion treatment performed at CNAO on November the 13th 2012.
  • Saturday December the 1st 2012, the CART-CAS Lab takes part to the event: Robotics@Polimi – Open Labs in the frame of the European Robotics Week. Check event agenda at
  • CartCas at ROBOTICA: “Fiera Internazionale della Robotica Umanoide e di Servizio”
    Thursday November, 8th, Pietro Cerveri and Guido Baroni will present the lab activities regarding robotic applications in mini-invasive surgery and image-guided radiotherapy.
    Milan Fair Center, Hall 8, Asimov Room, session “Robot medicali e per l’assistenza alle persone meno abili”.
  • CartCas at Fondazione Ettore Majorana in Erice (TP, Italy) for the “Technology Innovation and Development” Workshop promoted by the European Physics Society. On October, 23rd, there will be the invited speech titled “Imaging in therapy: Status and future perspectives” by G. Baroni.
  • A Review paper authored by Marco Riboldi (CartCas-Lab), Roberto Orecchia (Division of Radiotherapy, IEO) and Guido Baroni (CartCas-Lab) titled “Real-time tumour tracking in particle therapy: technological developments and future perspectives” has been published on the prestigious scientific journal Lancet Oncology.
    With an impact factor of 22.59, the Lancet Oncology ranks fourth out of 194 oncology journals worldwide, is the leading clinical research journal in oncology, and is in the top 0.5% of all scientific journals, of any discipline, globally (2011 Journal Citation Reports®, ©Thomson Reuters 2012). Download from the journal webpage.